Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Reflection" by Chris Hale (Spiritual Artist from Michigan)

Chris Hale releases another wonderful album of Contemporary Spiritual music on, "Reflection." Hale's collections of songs are straight from the heart as they are written from his life experiences of pain and suffering and how he sees his way through the bad times by taking refuge in his religious devotion. "Taking It A Day At A Time" offers lyrics that are inspiring with Hale's tender voice singing with a free and easy flowing style. Another song, "I'm Looking Up," is spiritually energetic and well blended with sweet harmonies. The song, "Keep The Faith," is a bright and fun loving song that will move you into a joyful mood. If you find yourself needing a spiritual message of faith, then take a listen to the heartwarming songs on, "Reflection" as these songs will move you closer to your devout beliefs.

-Diane and the Reviewer Team
Check out Chris Hale's music on with link to purchase and links to popular sites